The 5 W’s and I H of Wildlife Conservation

The 5 W's and I H of Wildlife Conservation

What are the 5 W’s and I H of Wildlife Conservation? Let’s try to break down what wildlife conservation entails.

Conservation has been a global concern lately. And more people are showing interest in it. It’s no longer a thing for the concerned parties like the researchers and the like. People are now recognising the importance of a healthy planet. Appreciating the importance and survival of our natural resources. Hence doing our best to practice sustainable utilisation.

A lot has changed in our present world. From developments, technology, climate, natural resources and human population. We have evolved and managed to adapt to the changes. But sadly, some species are giving up and unable to catch up with the random changes. Eventually getting extinct.


Wildlife : It’s any undomesticated animal/plants species that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans.

Conservation: Refers to the preservation or efficient use of resources (in an efficient or ethical manner).

What is Wildlife Conservation?

It involves protecting the wildlife and their habitats.

  • By protecting wildlife, we should be able to provide them a conducive environmental conditions. Abiding to conservation rules when we visit them. Avoid activities such as hunting, poaching, unnecessary laboratory experiments that use wildlife, causes deaths within the parks due to overspending, heavy human traffic inside the parks, wildlife circus, just to name a few.

We should be able to only do what is harmless towards the wildlife. And have their welfare as a priority.

  • Land encroachment and grabbing should stop. And land given back to the wildlife. As much as we need that space too. We should not take from the wildlife since they are the voiceless ones. We should also be able to co-exist peaceful with wildlife that live within the communities.

There are some areas that still have wildlife roaming freely within the surrounding communities. And they have been living peacefully for years. We should be able to work towards eliminating any human-wildlife conflicts.

Why should we conserve wildlife?

Do you think we should conserve wildlife?

All wildlife are natural resources, hence a gift from mother nature to humans. It’s one of the most valuable resources that we can not create. But only use and sometimes destroy.

Think about this. What if all the wildlife that you have had an opportunity to interact with, had got extinct before you were born? And you only had to know about them in a museum from the stored skeletons filled with rugs inside. Trying to make you relate to the real one. Do you have any sad feeling from only picturing that?

That’s the feeling that should give you a reason to ensure that the existing wildlife never get extinct. Wildlife are unique and helpful in a million ways. They are offer a wide range of benefits and doesn’t require much in return. They just need some TLC (Tender Loving Care). We refrain from the activities that offer negative impact to them. And they will be just fine.

Future generations will be able to follow our examples and enjoy the wildlife we currently have.

Think of the reasons that pushes you to plan a safari, visit a zoo/orphanage,the smile on your face when you watch a tiny chipmunk nibbling nuts, getting a kiss from the giraffe……..All those sweet moments that we try our best to capture through our cameras. They are some of the reasons we should conserve wildlife.

When can we conserve wildlife?

Read the full article here.

Published by Cheche Winnie

Article Writer and Blogger I am blogger , proof reader, writer and copy writer with a Bachelor degree and three years of experience. I write easy to read articles with excellent English and zero grammatical error. Articles that are creative and deliver the inteneded message . I do intense research while writing the articles. I always deliver my work on time and adhere to the timelines given. Always online hence able to start working on your piece as soon as your hire me. I work in real time. Nature Conservationist Passionate about nature conservation education and awareness. I believe that our existence depends on the mother nature. I am also have skills in researching and have managed to publish my own article on the effects of the exotic plants species on the indigenous plants in the Arid lands of Kenya.

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