Do you believe in ”legal” hunting?

What do You Think About BullFighting?

Do you believe in ”legal” hunting? And what is this legal hunting?

The only legal hunting that I know and agree with is. Is a predator (minus humans) hunting it’s prey. It’s their natural way of getting food or protecting their territory.

Humans killing animals have no basis of being legal. It’s just an excuse to hunt animals for no valid lessons. But rather greed and evil passion.

I have read some articles trying to justify the legality of the so called ”legal hunting”. Including the trophy hunting. And none of these reasons are of best interests to the animals. But solemnly done to feed the human ego. Why do we have fun killing other animals.

Nature has a way of balancing its elements. From the population of both animals and plants. It always finds a way to ensure almost everything is a balance.

I remember a friend trying to sell the card of controlling wildlife population. By hunting some. Hence achieving effective wildlife population. Then I asked in return, have you ever heard of wildlife over population anywhere in the world. The rules of the food chain takes care of that.

Humans have been increasing in population rapidly around the world. Do we kill some of them to take care of the bursting population scandal. No, we don’t. Diseases, natural causes, accidents and other things does that. Animals are just like us and we should accord them same respect. We belong in the same kingdom, Animalia.

Population control should not be an excuse to kill the innocent animals.

Survival for the fittest

That’s the rule of nature. The surviving species have the best genes and able to conquer any environmental changes. The animals that have the best genes, ones that have evolved and are able to adapt to the ever changing environment. Are able to pass those genes to generations. But when we kill them for the sake of trophy hunting. We wipe out some of the best species.

No trophy hunter will go after a weak sickly animals. They always target the strongest and rarest. And what they don’t know or choose to ignore. Is that they are robing us these species forever. For a stupid feeling that lasts for few minutes.

What really makes them feel good about killing an animal? What goes on in the brains as they risk their lives to just end a life of an animals for status? Is it worthy it? Paying to kill animals rather than support their existence. What will they tell their great grandchildren when they ask about the animals whose heads have been placed on their walls? But above all, why kill an animal just for fun?

Hunting of animals by humans should be considered as a first degree murder

Read the full article here.

Published by Cheche Winnie

Article Writer and Blogger I am blogger , proof reader, writer and copy writer with a Bachelor degree and three years of experience. I write easy to read articles with excellent English and zero grammatical error. Articles that are creative and deliver the inteneded message . I do intense research while writing the articles. I always deliver my work on time and adhere to the timelines given. Always online hence able to start working on your piece as soon as your hire me. I work in real time. Nature Conservationist Passionate about nature conservation education and awareness. I believe that our existence depends on the mother nature. I am also have skills in researching and have managed to publish my own article on the effects of the exotic plants species on the indigenous plants in the Arid lands of Kenya.

8 thoughts on “Do you believe in ”legal” hunting?

  1. Nope- I don’t believe in hunting. It’s not necessary and I think I heard it from my grandfather first but its not a sport unless the animal has a fighting chance. No one will ever convince me of any benefit to animal hunting.

    In other happier thoughts- Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I find some peoples aversion to hunting humorous. People are content to eat BigMacs and enjoy gas station beef jerky or chicken from high-quality restaurants, but they recoil at the fact that some people shoot animals…

    I’m a hunter and I do it because I enjoy it. Everything I hunt is on foot (namely deer). What I do is the equivalent of any predator stalking a deer. However, whatever I’m stalking has a huge advantage… they LIVE there. It would be like me trying to surprise someone in their own house where I have never been, and them knowing I’m there the whole time, every door to take, every step or door that squeaks…

    Legal hunting is a thing… I agree that some hunters act like it is some sort of joke to bring sadistic harm to an animal, but I don’t… and most hunters are like that.

    Liked by 1 person

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